Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Future of Our Market

With 2019 coming to an end, it’s time to discuss the future of our market.

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What does the future hold for buyers and sellers in our real estate market? You may have heard stories telling you that the sky is falling, but it’s not. On the contrary, the future is still pretty bright.

We do expect a housing shortage, unfortunately, and that will cause prices to continue to rise. Over the course of 2020, we expect appreciation rates to be around 5%, which is a slight drop compared to what we’ve seen in previous years.

With January right around the corner, a lot of people tend to start thinking about their goals for next year, and these goals include real estate. When setting your goals, it’s always good to be as prepared as possible when it’s time to pull the trigger. If you plan on selling in April or May, for instance, you should start fixing things up around your house right after Christmas so you don’t have to do it all at once. If you’re thinking about buying soon, talk to a lender now.

When setting your goals, it’s always good to be prepared when you want to pull the trigger.

On a final note, I have a request to make of you. The holiday season is in full swing, which means everything is bright and cheery, but it’s not a joyous time for everyone. Keep these people in your thoughts and make their world a little brighter if you can. For example, try bringing an extra plate of food to the nice lady down the street who doesn’t have any family. This kind of thing is great to have your kids or grandkids be a part of as a learning experience.

Until next time, if you have any real estate questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to help you, and I hope you have a happy holiday season.